Tournament Results
2 Man Scramble, September 14, 2018 - Team Scramble
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Tournament Results: 
Final Results for the Friday Scramble:
"A" Flight

1st Gross- Score 62- Michael Hannibal and David Hickman- $70 Each
1st Net- Score 55- Larry Mayew and David Hochenedel- $70 Each
2nd Net- Score 57- Stephen Finney and Tientien LI- $60 Each
3rd Net- Score 59- Scott Anderson and Brad Anderson- $50 Each

"B" Flight

1st Gross- Score 70- Jim Sweatmon and Bob Lannin- $70 Each
1st Net- Score 52- Michael Giancanelli and Sonny Reulbach- $70 Each
2nd Net- Score 55- Robert Tom and Ron Tom- $60 Each
3rd Net- Score 55- James Hansen and Bill Ree- $50 Each

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