Presidents Message
Last Updated: 05/17/20

Dear members, May 15, 2020
It’s so nice to be back playing golf at Industry Hills Golf Club! Last Saturday marked our return to regular IHWGA weekly play. While we had a little hiccup with our tee times for tomorrow, we are on the books for our Saturday morning tee times going forward. Please remember to follow all of the new requirements for play, maintain social distancing at all times, wear a face covering, and don’t gather in the parking lot, cart staging area, or behind the green after you finish your round. No one wants to see everyone and talk more than I do but let’s make sure we error on the side of caution.

Changes to events
The Board met on Tuesday and made a decision regarding the calendar of events for 2020. We decided to cancel all of our major championships for the year as well as Holiday on the Hill. It was a tough and disappointing decision but reflects the situation we are all in. If we find it’s possible, we may conduct some kind of tournament in the fall, maybe a match play or team event. We’ll keep you posted. 

We also suspended Performance Points and Ringer for the rest of our year. We may try and restart game of the day with new procedures for collecting and paying out the cash at some point this summer.

Course and facility updates
Dave is not sure when the driving range or practice areas will open, we’ll keep you posted. If you played last week you probably noticed that the pin was set so the ball often ricocheted off and it was difficult to tell if you made the putt or not. The maintenance staff made some adjustments so hopefully that will be better tomorrow. 

Weekly play signups    
I’m sure you’ve noticed that we are in the midst of our transition to Golf Genius for weekly play signups. You’ll receive an invitation to play on Sunday, signups close on Tuesday, and pairings go out on Thursday. Responding yes to the invitation to play signs you up for that week or you can access Golf Genius to signup up to 45 days in advance. Make sure you access Golf Genius through your web browser on your laptop, phone, or tablet. You’ll need the GGID for our weekly play, JCZRXT. 
Please note the there is a Golf Genius app, but we are not subscribed to that version. 
We’ll transition off of LA Golf Club for weekly signups after play on May 23. 
Thanks to Gail, Melissa, and Debbie for all the hard work getting this going!

Industry Hills in the spotlight 
The Spring 2020 version of Fore magazine has a wonderful article about Industry Hills Golf Club! Great photos and quotes from our very own Dave Youpa. Check it out, starts on page 36. Also check out the April issue of the SCGA’s Fore Her online magazine, Stephanie Tran wrote a great article. It includes a photo taken at the Hill with Stephanie, Karla Talavera, and Debbie Meymarian.  

I hope to see all of you at the Hill sometime soon. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. 

Take care and stay safe!!

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